Crying In The Schapelle
Cleanskin in Oz busted with this quantity would probably get a suspended jail sentence...but, with the different perspectives of the judicial systems, she is lucky to have her life. When you consider that the only evidence deemed fit for credence could not seperate her from her baggage, she is a very lucky girl. Yes... SHOCK?HORROR! Mr. 100% Guilty gave her 20 years, probably his lightest sentence of a foriegner. An appeal will probably go before Mr. 95% Guilty. Emotions aside, I don't think we should be poking pointy sticks at this young democracy; we probably educated their best, we should nurture, wholeheartedly their shift in consciousness and try and 'meld' in some way with their acceptance of this alien way of deliberating. Basically, now she's stuffed. Our Government can do nothing to sway anything but emotional pressure, and to gain a pardon she would have to admit guilt. And what's to stop them saying that with admitted guilt, even as an innocent, that they...