Listening to the radio the other day, a question was put: Where has common courtesy vapourised to in Australia? It is patently clear to me that women have broken a vital contract of civilisation as we knew it. Although sages like Virginia Hausegger, and a bunch of grumpy old women implore that females can’t have it all, it is the bottom end, baby booming, bra burning, free love muthas of the ‘70’s and ‘80’s that have established a feminist power plurality. I know them. They reckon they want half, PLUS 20% for positive discrimination. Growing up in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s, pre the Vietnam War, Australia was still a hokey outpost of the British Commonwealth. Men’s and women’s roles were pretty well laid out in concrete. What changed all this? The timely convergence of The Pill and Germaine Greer in the auspice of time put paid to the historical roles that men and especially women played in our society. One of the mores of society drummed into me as a boy was that I should respect and care fo...