September 2006
Has the Second Coming Been Cancelled? Both Christians and Jews have been awaiting the Arrival of their Messiah, Jesus’ second coming and Mosciah’s first appearance. Religious fervour foments around the coming of the new age. It must be the same bloke I reckon, considering our religious beliefs are borne from the same seed of philosophy, travelling the same time line. Would it not be sad if each time either of these Saviours decided to make a re entry into our lives they found themselves aborted? People in Australia are worried about an Islamic take over, yet we as Australians are in negative growth because of the multitudinous abortions that take place in this country. Are we assuring our mutual reassignment to the minority in our own country? Ockerettes Nellie Fertado’s song “Man-eater” is surely the anthem for this recently Identified sub-culture within the Australian psyche. Interestingly, the behaviour iconised as ‘Yobbo’ ocker, male, behaviour has been supplanted by the antics of ...