
Showing posts from September, 2007

September 2006

Has the Second Coming Been Cancelled? Both Christians and Jews have been awaiting the Arrival of their Messiah, Jesus’ second coming and Mosciah’s first appearance. Religious fervour foments around the coming of the new age. It must be the same bloke I reckon, considering our religious beliefs are borne from the same seed of philosophy, travelling the same time line. Would it not be sad if each time either of these Saviours decided to make a re entry into our lives they found themselves aborted? People in Australia are worried about an Islamic take over, yet we as Australians are in negative growth because of the multitudinous abortions that take place in this country. Are we assuring our mutual reassignment to the minority in our own country? Ockerettes Nellie Fertado’s song “Man-eater” is surely the anthem for this recently Identified sub-culture within the Australian psyche. Interestingly, the behaviour iconised as ‘Yobbo’ ocker, male, behaviour has been supplanted by the antics of ...

August 2006

State of the Nation I think we are going to be served up a very mediocre bunch at the next elections, a re hash of the dubiously anointed, appointed ones that are put up as our ‘local’ representatives. The current evolution of the Two Party System seems to have no interest in the grass roots, just for the ongoing security of their Party. They seem more interested in promoting a bi party philosophical rabbit stew! We, as a Nation, have invested heavily in the machinations that support the Two Party System so I would be hesitant to dismantle the infrastructure. But I would bleed the System to support a raft of qualified Independents to keep them in check! Is there anybody out there available, willing and capable of taking on the big boys and conferring pressure to their goolies or equivalent? Gretel Killeen, Love your Work! Vot a storm! Big Brother’s incredible mouthpiece maintained control and dignity as the rhetorical storm built around the finale. Big ‘L’ Liberals and fanatical Chris...

July 2006

Have Your Say - Instantly You will notice at the bottom of this article a couple of Internet addresses, one to the In Tents Thawt Blog and the other to a Yahoo groups chat site. I have been told that I can be overly opinionated and I figured that if I was going to open my mouth it would be wise to offer a conduit of response. So what I would like you to do is get onto these sites and discuss the various articles and opinions that have been broached in these columns. Until now I have only been entering my own articles, but I shall also place other articles by contributors onto the blog for your discussion purposes. The Yahoo chat site I would like you to consider as a means of writing your Letters to the Editor. This is a much more responsive way of getting your point across and also having an interactive discussion of your thoughts with myself and other readers. Come on now, don’t be shy, drop in and say hello! Gumfitti It is great to see the powers that be try to get a proactive campa...

June 2006

Have Your Say - Instantly You will notice at the bottom of this article a couple of Internet addresses, one to the In Tents Thawt Blog and the other to a Yahoo groups chat site. I have been told that I can be overly opinionated and I figured that if I was going to open my mouth it would be wise to offer a conduit of response. So what I would like you to do is get onto these sites and discuss the various articles and opinions that have been broached in these columns. Until now I have only been entering my own articles, but I shall also place other articles by contributors onto the blog for your discussion purposes. The Yahoo chat site I would like you to consider as a means of writing your Letters to the Editor. This is a much more responsive way of getting your point across and also having an interactive discussion of your thoughts with myself and other readers. Come on now, don’t be shy, drop in and say hello! Gumfitti It is great to see the powers that be try to get a proactive campa...

May 2006

Good Old Barnaby Surprise, Surprise! Gomer Joyce of the almost extinct Nationals goes on a junket to the Antarctic Territories and comes back rubbing his hands with glee to have discovered what he claims is a belief that we should hop in and start exploiting the Antarctic continent before anyone else gets in for their chop. Nothing changes with the Nationals eh! They must have run out of rainforests to destroy. Get a grip Barnaby, you should be leading world opinion on the fact that Antarctica needs to be protected from development at all costs. What Do You Reckon? Are immigrant and first generation Muslim kids more likely to fall into the Australian way of life or maintain the strict regimes of the countries that in most cases they have escaped from? I believe the former is the case. Pass The Doyley Thank God Robert Doyle finally bent down to smell the roses. I found him to be quite irritating. He quite rightly stated that although he had given his 100% it was not good enough. Darn To...

April 2006

Downer On Hot Coles I hope they take the fishnets off before they skewer dear Alexander on the slow burn political spit. He is in for a most uncomfortable time. The bastards!!! Just when a bloke gets well and truly over Labor they go and show themselves up for the shifty creatures that they are really. The Cole Inquiry has brought to light some of the more interesting asides in the war against terror, those of the terrible ends that business will go to chase a profit. In the light of the Telstra sell off it is an untimely reminder of what can happen to perfectly good government companies that have been sold to private interests. Well I won’t be voting for any of the bastards, so I have to hope that a suitable Independent stands in the electorate in which I live or cop a fine for not voting. Gawd Derwent, What Now? I have a hunch there is something rotten in the state of Derrynmark. Isn’t it a shame that the can’t keep himself out of the press? What shame have you brought to the 4th est...

March 2006

Democracy, The Way To Go! Whoops! Whoops indeed! They didn’t see that coming! I am still drop jawed as to the reaction of the West to the result of the Palestinian elections. After many years of insisting that Democracy should be the political structure for a peaceful Middle East, and enforcing that there will be no peace without it, the Palestinians voted out the corrupt regime the Israelis have complained so much about and replaced it with the political wing of Hamas and all of a sudden Democratic election is not good enough as the West and Israel did not get the result they wanted. I believe the world has to give Hamas the benefit of the doubt, but instead the West is prepared to interfere with another duly elected Government and the Israelis have decided to withhold funds they collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, a malicious theft! It is like they will frustrate Hamas until the militant amongst them lose patience and attack, giving Israel the excuse it needs to resile...

February 2006

Number 9 The Australian Federal Police are stuck between hell and high water when it comes to how to deal with our Asian neighbours in relation to Australian drug smugglers. Most have the death penalty on their statutes. The Bali 9 were caught red handed by the Indonesian authorities an insidious drug ring using threats and intimidation to acquire willing ‘mules’ was uncovered and the AFP apparently assisted the Indonesians in stopping this heroin hitting our shores. If these rats had been busted over here they probably would have all done a bit of time, but the penalties being handed out in Australia are not providing to be much of a deterrent for these greedy, stupid/sick smack marketeers. On the other hand the ongoing across the board media coverage given to these poor mugs and Schapelle is a priceless asset that has been handed to the AFP and the Federal Government. The torturous anguish exhibited by these foolish young drug mules would surely put the wind up any scatty, young junk...

January 2006

L’Enfant Terrible – What Next Cronulla? Have we become the bad child? Has Australian society really diminished itself to such an extent? We are reacting to ideals that are being pushed to make us believe that it is better to hurt some of our citizens rather than try very, very hard to pull together and make this society of ours work. . The local Muslims are shitting themselves with fright; they know that if this state of ignorance prevails that they have no chance of building a meaningful life in Australian society for their children. We HAVE the chance, out of all the Western societies to sort our troubles out amicably. Our country is not that old and the population is not that large, nor are we yet irrevocably at loggerheads with our various subcultures that with serious discussion we can’t sort this mess out. I mean who hasn’t eaten tabouli or felafel, souvlaki or noodles. Every second retail shop it seems is owned or run by Muslims or Buddhists, and thank Christ for that as the bas...