
Showing posts from June, 2005

Luna Park

God help Luna Park, there’s a Fox loose in the enclosure!!! I hope Lindsay doesn’t save it and refurbish it the same way that they saved the St Moritz ice skating rink; it is now the Novatel on the Upper Esplanade in St. Kilda. I’ll be watching this one with interest. You got to admit though that the Luna Park mouth would make a great entrance to a 'theme' housing estate.

Big Bother

What a waste of time and space. This has to be the most vacuous of TV shows, yet drags people in by the millions. I find this kafuffle over a few exposed doodles and bosoms to be hysterical. It is certainly not on the required viewing list of the straight laced and sexually anxious, so what are they doing sitting up that late to become so offended? Self censorship is as far away as the channel switch or the off button.

Warney the Wanton Wanker

Are you as sick of this wanton wanker as I am? Deception, unlike stupidity, is not your strong suit, Shane. Pity you can’t regrow a brain, yeah, yeah

Whale Burgers

Those Japanese are just not going to give two hoots about world opinion. They love to munch on our cetacean brothers and sisters, and their claims to an historical use of sea based resources to feed their people holds water. We eat cows and feed Skippy to rover, I see very little difference. Whales really took a bashing when they were used as a fuel and lubricant resource. This atrocious slaughter exists no longer, so the food aspect of the animal has to be considered as legitimate for those that have used it as a staple part of their diet. Would you stop the Inuit from eating whale and seal? I don’t think so!!! A chain of Mc Orca restaurants would be over the odds though.

Bakiring Out

Watching Ron Bakir on the box announcing his break away from the Schapelle Corby family road show, it made me ask myself what this guy was really up to when he tied his dinghy to this proverbial Titanic of a debacle. The split is over money that may or may not come to the family in regards to selling the story, and the merchandising, imagine little Schapelle dolls with handcuffs and leg iron accessories and “It’s not my pot” ring tones! The vision I saw of the family was reminiscent of a Yank trailer park, and even the idea of making a quid out of one’s loved one’s misfortune is on the nose. Good time to get out of their aura Ron… Hotman Paris is still in for his chop though!

St Kilda Pier

I took my children for a walk up the St Kilda pier the other Sunday. Work has again started on replacing the café, foundation work is well advanced and we will have it built in time for the Commonwealth games. I used to enjoy going fishing off the rocks past the café; unfortunately the building site is blocking access to the public. Hurry up will you fellows…


I thought I might draw our attention to an old furphy, ha har...let's drag an iceberg up here and use it as a water resource...could never imagine that such a big bit would break off! Tug Boats, that's the go, big ones... Why Australia? Because we have an 'inny' while South America and Africa have an 'outie'. Plus, we are closer to it... and as dry as a nun's front bum !!! It's all possible, but you could write off the regular fishing in that whole area, no more giant whiting and mulloway, it would never be the same, tuna would re route through the Arafura Strait... the home of the Great White, the Great Australian Bight would be laid waste. I'd hate to see all that energy go to could probably make a quid out of it...Designer ice cubes???

Victimless Crime

victimless crime faction MICK PACHOLLI Copyright May 2001 CHAPTER 1 E and I had been working together for about five months. You wouldn't call it a partnership - more co-operative entrepreneurs - although, if you had asked either of us what we did, the answer would be that we provide a public service, not unlike s.p. bookmaking or sly grog, over-coming unworkable statutes. A thankless job but someone was going to do it... We complemented each other. E was a green man, whereas my contacts mainly provided a smorgasbord of imports - all types of hash, hash oil, Buddha sticks and a variety of South American and African combustibles. We did a lot of product swapping providing our customers a varied selection of illicit, euphoric delights. The local grass was rarely great, no-one really knew what a mature female hooch plant looked like in the mid-seventies, although the Greeks produced some amazing seedless dope (sinse was unheard of), but the Italians - neither knew nor did they give a ...

Howard's Way

It has been a long time coming, but it looks like we've given little John the opportunity to attain one of his longest held desires, to achieve a purely market driven Democracy. I would ask why, during, arguably, the most worrying times in modern history, juxtaposed to our relative comfort, wealth and local peace here in Australia, would our Government choose to take on it's own people with a philosophy that resonates so negatively at the grassroots AND with the silent, militant not-so-minority that has been prepared to cop what has been served up so far. We can hardly remember the ferocity of the fight Norm Gallagher and the BLF put up to acheive the living standards most workers enjoy in Australia. I actually had the screen printing contract at Lygon St. while Norm was in gaol, printing all the last gasp battle shirts, sizes 00 to 28. Is waking this sleeping giant an attempt to distract us while our Democracy is diluted, a way to demonise the working man merely protecting his...

Derryn Bloody Hinch

What an arsehole, eh!? I remember when Hunch got a burr in his beard over my father. Dad spoke it like it was, he thought Darrel was a sad poser and desperate to make a mark. Like the almost hero sportsman, one should realise that one's chance of being relevant is gone, and best left to the new boys and girls. Unfounded, desperate grabs to try and flush out a story have certainly put you 'on the coat' , pariah - even if you do recant now, you are forever blemished. While watching Darren, scruffy and looking like a rabbit in the head lights, on tele with a news crew asking for a retraction, which he refused to issue, I thought , yep, dead man walking, career wise. Yeah dad also reckoned he was a grub, well you couldn't have got much more grubbier, Derwent. Even if Kennedy did have Aids or Hep C or spots on his bum, no one gives a fuck Hinchy, we love the man. Now you just piss off back to where you came from...