Howard's Way

It has been a long time coming, but it looks like we've given little John the opportunity to attain one of his longest held desires, to achieve a purely market driven Democracy.

I would ask why, during, arguably, the most worrying times in modern history, juxtaposed to our relative comfort, wealth and local peace here in Australia, would our Government choose to take on it's own people with a philosophy that resonates so negatively at the grassroots AND with the silent, militant not-so-minority that has been prepared to cop what has been served up so far.

We can hardly remember the ferocity of the fight Norm Gallagher and the BLF put up to acheive the living standards most workers enjoy in Australia. I actually had the screen printing contract at Lygon St. while Norm was in gaol, printing all the last gasp battle shirts, sizes 00 to 28.

Is waking this sleeping giant an attempt to distract us while our Democracy is diluted, a way to demonise the working man merely protecting his hard earned gains.

Well Of Course Y'know This Means War...

As we go to press the first of the ACTU stopworks and demonstrations have started. When asked by Virginia Trioli what the union’s intentions were in regards to demonstrations, in the light of what would be acceptable by today’s standards, I heard Greg Combet saying how the ACTU is working with the various authorities to ensure that there is as little disruption as possilbe while the demonstrations head into the capital cities. Virginia’s tone and Combet’s response were both regrettable. Politically correct demonstrations??? Pshaw and poppycock – this is about as oxymoronic as the situation could get.

The future months will be very telling...


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