We are carbon-based beings on a carbon-based planet. The evolution of the planet and it’s maturing atmosphere allowed us humans to develop and thrive and become the prime being on the planet.
Now planet Earth spent a lot of time locking up all that carbon in the form of coal, gas and oil and we foolishly have relied on unlocking this energy to fuel our daily energy needs. We have let the genie out of the bottle. Our reliance on these fuels is really biting us on the bum in most aspects of Australian life and we still support using our future gene pool to militaristically protect commercial carbon fuel interests.
Let’s not forget why Australia became the most hospitable country on the plane, why all the multifarious immigrants chose us. They like the way we walk, talk, eat and breathe, freely and enhance our lives with their different roots in art, food, music, family and religion.
I am a fifth generation Australian, root from three brothers who left Ticino in modern Switzerland to escape the purge in the district famous for supply the Papal Knights in Rome. An Italian name classified me as a wog immediately. I have watched with interest the passing parade of immigrant groups into this country during my lifetime and all I can say is eventually every one ends up Skippyfied.
A lot of these refugees come from oil rich countries like ourselves, but less developed and at the mercy of neo Imperial oligopolies playing God. The results are mass human privation.
We, as a planet, have the technology, equipment, food etc to support everyone on the planet (and some disgruntled alien spies). In this country are we going to allow this current style of political promotion to turn us into a paranoid carbon copy state, Black Adder like holding ranks against the people we have warmly welcomed, thoroughly searched and accommodated in rustic environments to share our good fortune?


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