
Showing posts from December, 2005


Society is formed by the suppression of tribal rivalry either through homogenous means or through continual jockeying for supremacy. As we speak modern society, Oz style, is dessicated (due to the break down in familial ties), except for pockets of like racial background on their way to intergration into our what??? OK, we disarmed the failsafe and are about to be thrown into (who knows for how long) a Liberal wet dream. It is the 'New World Order', get over it. Like, no, no we wont allow human cloning (bullshit , he says under an exagerrated cough). Social and genetic engineering are the key to global 'likeness'. Until the 20th century occurred our forebears lived for ever under the rule of sword, the chattels of warlords or a ruling upper class to be used as beasts of burden, cannon fodder and grist for the mill. Are we going to allow ourselves to be pushed back to these dark ages? When I was young the Ananda Marga blew up the Sydney Hilton and Russell Sstreet was blo...


Well Johnny you are almost there. Soon you will have us emulating your master's race, right down to the rule by fear, using our police forces to subdue any persons that would dare defy or deny your propositions...and all in the pretence of protecting us from those evil terrorists! Who out there thinks that this or any future Government with ultimate parliamentary powers would use these new proposed anti-terrorism laws to subdue or eliminate protesting for or protecting their rights in the upcoming industrial warscape? Could large sectors of industry be re-classified as imperative to national security? The Labour Party are gone in this argument. Beazley is so far up the Yanks bottoms that only the tips of his highly polished boots can be seen.


The State governments Sport and Recreation department are funding the development of a strategy plan to look at increasing participation in our sport. @leisure, the company who won the contract to create the strategyplan, were sourced from a number of consultants that were put up bythe associations and Sport and Rec. to the steering committee(themselves) and were invited by the associations to take up thetender. The company has vast experience in the development of strategies for sporting organizations.Although there is no formal chairman, Simon Crawford, RVBA Development Officer, will be the co-ordinator amongst the two association presidents, the two executiveofficers and Tom Forsell from Sport and Recreation.Simon says that the terms of reference for the strategic plan were designed by theassociations. @leisure were formally briefed by the steeringcommittee of which they are now a part.The steering committee did decide not to mail out to clubs to gettheir feedback as they say they r...


Having lived my earlier life in a Yippie lifestyle, devoid of haircuts, I had a home for the buzzin’ bees, but now I would describe my pate as a reverse Mohawk. There are little things happening in the desert, but, oh well! I was a partner with my father in an infused organic product that promoted hair growth called the Hair and Scalp Energiser and have a little insight into the market. Surprisingly our formulation (supposedly over 100 year old Apache recipe that ended up in the hands of an eccentric biochemist dad knew) worked extraordinarily well on alopecious women and Albanian men. It also did a great job cleaning up psoriasis and when used on dogs and horses cleared up many skin ailments. Why am I bald then, one might ask? Well the stuff left a tea stain on the skin and I just couldn’t get over that. I wear a cap, not from embarrassment but to stop the cold in winter and the sun in summer. I challenge anyone to restore my vacant follicles. If you can fix me you can fix anyone. No ...


You have got to be kidding! Apparently the latest problem at school is the dysfunctional parent. It does not surprise me at all when you consider the fact that the aberrational teachers of the Eighties and Nineties promoted illiteracy as a social evener. Nowadays we have a generation of early parents whose social mores are far less than adequate and are now dragging their children through a mire of ignorance. What cuts me the most is that it is the people I supported that created this philosophy of inadequacy, tempered by the burning fires of socialist feminism. We allowed our future to be under prepared and I reckon while the counter culture was going to sleep those that needed peons acted.


Yeah, yeah! How funny is it, Shane take the piss out of us by using the lurid text legend as a way of promoting his new found hirsute endeavours. Worse are the sound bites that refer to his wife thinking him sexy, how funny is that? You are an ankle Shane! I reckon he shaves his legs!!!


I am going on fifty one years of age and it behoves me to say that you weak, self satisfied peers of mine, the “New Forties” – ex hippies, activists (Ahh, the halcyon days of picketing Woolies frozen food cabinets for fear they were selling South African whiting – Zanu Zapu, dude!), bikies, surfers, Viet vets, musicians, strippers and pros, musicians, radical feminists and homosexuals have bailed out on your ideologies. The Counter Culture was extant in the seventies and eighties, but now it appears to have drifted away. Or has it? We have a broad and complex society now, but in 1972 with an illegal war raging and the Liberal government assaulting people protesting the stupidity of fighting others battles and oppressive industrial relations laws, people stood up and said we will have no more of this imposed on us and voted the bastards out. History has proven that when Australians are battered and brow beaten, when admonished for their fervent belief in a fair go for all, they stand up...


It appears it is another of the Liberal Government’s objectives to internationalise (read – Americanise) our tertiary education system. I mean if the Yanks have such a great system how come it is the product of our institutions that seem to be leading the way in most scientific endeavour. Benny Nelson is promoting educational sedition! Does anyone else wonder why the Howard Royalist Liberal Party is trying to morph us into a George Bush Republican way of life? Oxymoronic innit?


Amanda Flintstone’s deplorable insight into why Australian kids would not accept or be able to handle working in regional areas as apprentices, because it would take them too far from the comforts of their families and friends, beggars belief! Most would jump at the chance to get support for that sort of independence from often dysfunctional families and friends and to gain an opportunity to prove their worth. Mandy’s answer is to bring apprentices from overseas to fill this supposed gap in our work force smacks of racism, as if these young folk she intends to indenture would not have such like feelings for family and friends, I mean after all they ARE foreigners! And within this puerile argument we need to recognize that the vast majority of those effected come from a growing underclass, the white Australian male. You know the ones, unlike their female contemporaries; with little infrastructure for societal support other than the penal system should they fall through the cracks. Cheap...