The State governments Sport and Recreation department are funding the development of a strategy plan to look at increasing participation in our sport.

@leisure, the company who won the contract to create the strategyplan, were sourced from a number of consultants that were put up bythe associations and Sport and Rec. to the steering committee(themselves) and were invited by the associations to take up thetender. The company has vast experience in the development of strategies for sporting organizations.Although there is no formal chairman, Simon Crawford, RVBA Development Officer, will be the co-ordinator amongst the two association presidents, the two executiveofficers and Tom Forsell from Sport and Recreation.Simon says that the terms of reference for the strategic plan were designed by theassociations. @leisure were formally briefed by the steeringcommittee of which they are now a part.The steering committee did decide not to mail out to clubs to gettheir feedback as they say they really don't want to hear from everyclub and every bowler, but they will secure the information they needthrough establishing focus groups and random sampling bowlers,
Clubs and any other interested party. They will also use the information gleaned of the web sites to add to this pot.When the first report is complete it will be presented to thesteering committee and the joint boards of the associations, the samepeople they will be consulting with along the way. Information willbe vetted and no one other than the steering committee and jointboard will have access to any of the submissions.The joint boards, after discussion with the Councillors, will makethe decisions as to what will be adopted from the strategy plan andwhen that will take place. Simon rejects the proposition that theJean Kerr Walsh plan from 2000 was ignored. Although not his area of responsibility hebelieves that much of the recommendations of that report were indeedtaken up. He also said he will endeavour to let us know what wasactually addressed from those recommendations.No submissions from clubs and individuals will be posted on theirwebsites; this is one-way traffic people! The information will becollated and fed back to us in meaningful terms for analysis.Which means we need to encourage as many stake holders as possible topublish their submissions on the Yahoo groups planetbowls and bowlsworld. These sitesare easily accessible and could provide a window that other wise we will not have.

I would hope that unlike when the Get On The Green program was put on the table that the people that have gone out and recreated lawn bowls in the inner city at their own expense will be consulted through this process.

The closing date for submissions 23/12/2005 and can be posted to the RVBA website or projectofficer@bowlsvic.org.au and lawnbowls@jeavons.com.au.


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